
Jun 2, 2013

Windows Store

Windows Store

Project Lead: Maintenance Content Updates {}

I was brought in to this project after completion to maintain any issues that came up and to update content and features. At times there would be simultaneous updates with possible conflicts that would push live at different times. I was placed in charge of leading team members and jockeying the git repo to keep the updates separate when needed and merging once complete. The site is built in .NET and hosted on Azure. One of the parts I added to the site is the spotlight section of the home page:

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It randomly arranges a list of apps that are updated monthly. The layout had to be developed in a way that allowed content of varying sizes while maintaing a fluid responsiveness. Each of the apps contents are saved in a separate cshtml partial for easy monthly swaps.

My most recent addition has been the success stories page

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The challenge with this grid style layout was developing the full height color backgrounds in a responsive way that allows for dynamically sized content.