
WordPress Unbranded / Simple Admin Plugin

Apr 28, 2013

WordPress Unbranded / Simple Admin Plugin

WordPress makes a great CMS for clients on a budget. However, many of those clients don’t know and don’t need to know what WordPress is. This plugin is built to make the admin experience a little more personal for those who just need to log in and make a few copy changes.   Options: Remove “Howdy” Remove WordPress...

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Debug ghost CSS elements causing unwanted scrolling

Apr 19, 2013

Debug ghost CSS elements causing unwanted scrolling

Have you ever been working on a site and come across strange horizontal scrolling? Or perhaps you opened your site on mobile and the width does not fit. This often happens from some rogue style breaking out of the main layout. Sometimes this can be found by scanning through the html with your favorite web inspector, but often the task is like...

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